adorable
alert
alertness
alone
amstaff
and
animal
animals
attentive
aware
away
background
bastard
beautiful
best
big
black
breed
canine
canines
carnivore
carnivores
carnivorous
comfort
creature
crossbreed
cut
cute
dog
doggies
doggy
dogs
domestic
ears
expression
expressions
eyes
face
faces
facing
friend
fun
funny
fur
furry
gaze
gazing
german
gorgeous
handsome
happy
head
heads
healthy
hybrid
inhaling
isolated
little
look
looking
love
mammal
mammals
mix
moggy
mongrel
mongrels
mouth
mutt
nobody
observant
old
one
open
out
panting
pet
pets
portrait
portraits
pretty
puppy
rottweiler
rotweiler
sad
scared
shepherd
shot
sitting
small
stare
staring
studio
tongue
vertebrate
watch
watching
white
with
worried
young